Sunday 7 February 2010

Archive from the MBC Club Forum6

Finding all this about my campaign and xenon is very refreshing. Pandora’s box is open the Motor Manufacturers VOSA and Police need to start listening and show as much interest in all motoring matters like retired officer:
Keith Peat who can be found at or

This thread posted on the MBC Forum was posted simply by someone called M and has some great content throwing more light to the problems and dazzling instances that need treating as my eyes are wounded on a nightly basis.

Interesting - though that HID bulb CANNOT produce the same beam pattern
as the bulb next to it.- No shield at the top to stop direct beams- larger light discharge area (a thin filament on one vs the entire gas bubble on the other)- very little interference from other elements in the bulb, while the HID has all sorts of curves and shapes int he glassI think VOSA has made it quite clear - they say retrofitted HID kits are illegal unless you change the whole unit. Why defy the law? Some laws are outdated, but that doesn't make it right to break them. It's still illegal to glue a postage stamp upside-down; stupid & outdated, yes - but it's still the law. Similarly, we have a 70MPH speed limit, because when it came in force that was a safe speed; the safety technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since then, but it STILL IS ILLEGAL TO GO OVER 70MPH.Don't like it? Tough. You have 3 options:- Contact your MP, do the political thing and get the law changed/updated- Do the upgrade legally, change the whole unit- Go down the illegal path, but then don't whine when you are in an accident and your insurance is deemed invalid.Note: I am not against Xenons; in fact, I too think that the law needs updating to allow retrofits if properly tested. That said, I don't think it's right to break the law.M.


I am also not against the improvement that xenon lights bring but the testing of them has to be scrutinized as the damage our eyes are getting has become far too common.

It is my opinion that a far stricter MOT is needed for the Bi-xenon headlamp. Why do the Manufacturers and Government ignore us? It would be appreciated if you vote to change the current regulation with the link below. Thanks

Petition to: revise the RVLR 1989 regulation

If you live in the USA and many other places around the World and have the more sensitive eyes that find Daytime Running Lights distract making added dangers for you go to the DaDRL and vote:-

DaDRL UK Vote against Daytime Running Lights

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