Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Do we need more proof that xenon lights blind and dazzle? If I had the time I could have written a thousand blogs. This was a slightly inebriated Scottish business man in the big city making the wheels of commerce turn.

Being very chatty thought I would use him as research on my blinding lights issue. I asked him if he had xenon lights on his car and did he think others would find them too bright.

If I find others too bright anyone near me must hate them big time. But they are terrific for driving. I have just changed from a Freelander to a Lexus Hybrid and my other car is the Audi TT.

As he was more than happy with xenon lights and his cars I asked if adjusting the lights down a little lower than the current regulation as not too blind or dazzle other drivers. Could you live with that? To my astonishment he agreed wholeheartedly.

I am glad to say not all Scots hate the English!

A slightly lower setting must be the way to go and make us all less vulnerable to the dazzling effect.

If you have taken time to read this blog and live in the UK please vote on my E Petition at number 10 Downing Street:-

Petition to: revise the RVLR 1989 regulation

If you live in the USA and many other places around the World and have the more sensitive eyes that find Daytime Running Lights distract making added dangers for you go to the DaDRL and vote:-

DaDRL UK Vote against Daytime Running Lights


Let’s hope with my effort and your votes 2010 will be the year our voice is heard.

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