Monday, 23 November 2009

Israeli Businessman

I reported or wrote an earlier blog or letter explaining that this light problem is global. This time I managed to pick up an Israeli in South Kensington going on a short hop to the Kensington Olympia Hotel.

If I am going to get any research information on short journeys I have to act quickly. How has your day been? 24 hours travelling and business meetings. Do you drive I said? Only back in Israel where I live. Sometimes even Policeman and truckers find my questioning hard to understand so someone who has been travelling and working all day coupled with the fact he comes from another country it must seem strange to be questioned about driving back home by your taxi driver.

Once again I must have trod on something I had only travelled a short distance and a car with Bi-xenon lights were beaming straight at us in Kensington High Street. Even with all the ambient light the Bi-xenon beams hit us both in our eyes like lasers punishing the brains sense of perspective for a short while until we passed. It does happen quickly but the light is so strong your eyes take a time to recover which could lead to an accident.

I asked my Israeli passenger if he would like one of my flyer leaflets for checking information on my website blogger and twitter with extra information on my you tube video.

To my surprise he said he does a lot of driving in Israel and the new lights are causing problems there too. Taking my leaflet he said this is a very important thing you do and I will check your website out.


Some drivers cope with the xenon lights better than others. The Manufacturers and dealers need to take a fresh look as well over 50% of people I research often find these new lights a problem that puts them in danger.

Go to Petition to: revise the RVLR 1989 regulation ...

If daytime lights are becoming a problem to you click the link below.

DaDRL UK Vote against Daytime Running Lights

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