Another interesting story was in the local citizens help shop and on being seen had a good chat about my lights issue. Lucky for me the lady interviewing me had a problem with her Porsche Cayenne which i may add was only 3 years old with very little mileage. The Cayenne was due for it
Her vehicle failed it's test on the headlights being too bright and nothing else. The garage that carried out the MOT did not have all the appropriate tools and equipment etc to adjust the headlamps so told my lady to pop the vehicle into her Porsche dealer and get the problem fixed. The dealer asked her why she wanted her headlamps adjusted and she said it was for an MOT. The dealer said they had checked her lights and found them to be correct completed the MOT and sent her back out on the road.
This lady after questioning me had told me that when ever she drove at night other drivers flashed their lights in a retaliatory fashion so was not surprised when her local garage failed her lights on the MOT.
This next bit beggars belief as the main agent for Porsche had said her lights were OK and gave her an MOT and she new that her lights were a problem to others she took her main agents MOT and is still driving around blinding others unnecessarily.
What intrigues me is how can one garage fail and one pass. Is the test good enough or is it the MOT tester at fault.
I will leave you all to ponder on that one.