Monday, 13 April 2009


Every night for the professional drivers who put in a full shift they will be blinded many times by badly set Bi xenon headlamps as the RVLR1989 is most definitely inadequate.

Also the Minister of Transport for the whole country has informed me most drivers do not use their headlamp scroll switch when driving with the Halogen headlamps.

Please air your views here or go to

Helping night drivers eyes

Every night for those professional drivers who put in a full shift in the hours of darkness their eyes will be punished unnecessarily. Bi xenon headlamp glare which pierces the eyes and disables you is now only to common. The RVLR 1989 is well out of date and inadequate needs to be upgraded.

Also glare from Halogen headlamps is equally as bad and as i am informed by the minister for Transport most drivers do not use their headlamp scroll switch or even know what it is.

That list of drivers includes the Police, truckers etc.
Lets get noisy and make Government and the Manufacturers listen an act to make our roads safer at night

Helping night drivers eyes

Every night in the hours of darkness those of us who have to do a full shift will be blinded many times so lets get our voice heard by the Minister for Transport and Police etc. Bi xenon's are the worst, but badly adjusted Halogen lights can also be a nuisance. A humongous number of drivers do not use or know how to adjust their headlights including the Police,Bus drivers,Truckers,Motorcyclists etc